Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ThE ApPlE-OrgAniZeD LiAr LoVe StOrY

"You are the apple of my eye"

This story indeed very romantic and comedy that will always made you stay awake for the whole movie till end. Those who coupling will find this movie melting their heart with the romantic act. I'm personally recommending to people to go for this movie. However, the major issue here actually is not about how good the story line, the actors/actress but the end of the story. When the guy knows that the women that he been chasing for ages inviting him to her marriage he accept it and in the end he leave it. I will never be that guy, because I never believe that there's other guy that could love you as much as I did.

NHT, its not that if you get marry I will ruin your wedding. I will never do that and I'm always played it fair and square. Now I still have 7 years to be with you, within this period I will do my very best to be your man. I'm not kind of guy that will let his girl go with somebody else when he's thinking that the girl might be happy with the other guy. I know its very stubborn statement but I have my own thought and the thought is


To you, NHT

Its been so hard when we apart,
But that the choice we had made,
Though there's chance to be with,
There's no way you will walk with me...

Whether to miss you or not,
Its beyond my control,
To stop thinking about,
I tried it before,
Just remember this...
My every single seconds its all about you...

Every story has their end,
Good or Bad,
Favorable or unfavorable,
Happy or sad,
Its all up to the writer itself,

But for our story,
We still writing it,
Figuring it,
To make it fun,
To appreciate the times,

So, NHT please dont stop writing our love story..not now


Friday, October 28, 2011

WoRds fRoM yoU-ShArp LikE A RaMbOo KniFe

Last week broke the promise I made not to contact her due to reason that based on my moral reasoning its allowable to do so, since it will affect me in long term somehow. I have throw all my ego, arrogant and stubbornness to contact her asking her to come join me and all our friend taking picture after convocation. She bravely and directly rejected my offer. I cant force her either but I do notice she did changed in a way good for her to have strong stand on her decision making but that obviously oppose me well.

We been texting and I call her up till the extend she ignoring my call which is very frustrate to me. So she not joining me for the photo session and as a result I dun have any photo with her. However during the call she did said "I give you chance to take pictures with me but you dun want to". This is the time when I rejected her offer to take picture when we took the convo cloth. I guess she's paying back what I did to her and it serve me well. For the very first time I felt regret for what had happen.

The last text message from her
"Please dun msg me again. Thnx! I wil only reply you,
When you thnk i'm your normal friend. Pls! bye bye"

Guess what I reply her?. I really can’t control my emotion that time straight away I reply her.
"I won’t take you as my friend never and ever will"

Silly me but this is my stand "if we could not be together, better not even a friend just pretend we never met!"

The words seem to be very hash on her but deep inside my heart I will always love her that's no one can denied. I just love her with no reason.

I'm sorry, because I love you...



Saturday, October 22, 2011

The DaY I'm reGreT MoSt-CoNvo

Convocation to most of people usually will be one of their happiest day in their life. Yes it would but to me I'm regret on that day. Attending convocation to me just to fulfill my promise to mom in fact I have zero attention going there as I know, I will meet her there and it's true I met NHT there. I dun even looking at her nor talk to her. I'm just too arrogant and ego with my self.

Right after the convocation ceremony I wont take long to straight away went back home. Mom did ask me whether want to take photo with friends...I don't want to because seeing her it just make thing worst. I thought it will be okay this way. However after reach home I felt that, I really wanted to meet her for the last time, taking picture together but it all past now. This is where for the first time in my life I'm feeling regret, regret over something that cant be fixed.

This is the part I'm throwing all my ego, promises and self esteem to call her and ask her out this Saturday (22/10/11) to take picture with me and our entire classmate. She's got something on Saturday and Sunday she having her ACCA test. I did argue and begging her, she said "I give you chance but you not there". The sweet talk wont be useful anymore at this rate till to the extend she turn off her phone. Last message she send:

"Now I know how you treat something important to me, I'm not free on Saturday. sorry."

I'm really sorry I did not mean to forcing you but you too never considering anything from me. I'm not asking for the whole day just 1 hour of your Saturday.

We wont meet again after this....I'll be missing you like hell...NHT, I'll keep the promise and waiting for you.

My love only meant for you, take care and live up our dream!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

LoNg EnoUGh

Dear Heart,

Today is 1st of Sept'11 3 more days to go and it will be 4 month. To some people it just like clicking eyes but as for me indeed it just a short period but without you its pain like hell, lovely like I'm in Arctic, as a music with no rhyme. To make it simple I just cant live without you, heart.

During Raya celebration some of my aunt did asked me since I have finish my degree when I want to look for GF. Suddenly it struck me I just thinking about you and the promise I made. Just dont have feeling for other woman other than you. I dont know whether you feel the same as me but I really hope so.

One more thing I'm planning to fly overseas if everything according to plan early next year I'll be leaving. With this I might stay around 5 to 7 years overseas. By that time I wont know how much you have change but I just hope that your heart still the same.

All the path I'm planning and taking its all for you to make sure the future awaits is just AWESOME for me and you, NHT


Friday, August 5, 2011

I'LL bE tHe SiLenCeR

There's a time when we really need to stop talking and turn to listening, its really common. But to be silencer for the coming few years is really hard to do so. These are the reason WHY it hurt me soo much!

1. I can no longer express my feeling toward you
2. No more communication between you and me
3. You know how much I really like talking with you
4. If possible I want to wish you every single morning and night
5. It makes me miss you like hell

Though it affect me and most of the advantages not on my side but in some way it do teach me to be more patient, work harder, and challenge my guts. You never know how far you can go if you never tried to challenge yourself. People dare to talk tough but when walk the talk they fall half way!

Its been 3 month since that day no news neither from you nor me. We totally cut all the connection and you really strong to do so...but not me...


*Read the bold word
I Love You

Friday, July 29, 2011

WhiLe GreEcE iN deFault

There's a time when even a country cant stand still anymore...what Greece been trough now is not one country falling down but the starting point of domino effect for the European. However as for me going concern of Greece is not my priority concern. My concern all I put into you and all about you, winning your heart is the highest achievement for me. As for Greece lack of fund can be solve by renew borrowing term or made another new borrowing or new economic policy. However, my case I dont need money to win you, I need you to trust in me and have faith which I could not borrow from anyone else.

Greece facing the possibility of bankruptcy which seen as very serious matters because it obviouly will shut down the whole country. For me and you when you rejected me its not only that my ego or self-esteem is affected but it totally blank my future....because my life is all about you

I'm not a superhuman nor a genius who can turn Greece to back in track, its not an overnight work that people can do. Same goes to my love to you, NHT I could not change your heart straight away...but I believe persistence and consistence will surely paid off someday..and on that day you and me will be together.

"To Greece: Failure is not a fullstops but its a new story for a new sentences"


Saturday, July 2, 2011

04/05/2011-My LaSt dAy

Dear Heart,

I know, I lost the deal...I could not win your heart before that day. I tried everything, I do what ordinary could not do, and I dare to move forward though I know the end road might not as what I had in my dream and everything because of you. I know you never ask for all this but give me chance to show how important you for me. I'm very stubborn to accept this because I will never forget about you and I'm afraid I will not fall in love again...

I kept the promise but every single second that passed it hurt me a lot...even me dont know how long I can coop with this. I'm like others normal human being I do have feeling, I do get hurt and I do love you. I just cant stop loving you. It's very difficult for you to accept me I understand how you feel if you has to choose either me or your family. But please teach me how can I forget about you, how can I stop loving you..please

You always ware saying this principle of yours "once my friend, forever my friend". You know what I really hate this because I could never accept this. For me I prefer not to be your friend or not even meeting you if the end ware to be this way...its really hurting me. I will be always love you...I keep the promise we had and I hope you kept yours. Till the time we meet again I hope your heart will change and let me be your man.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

mY LoVe

If i have to choose either the sun or u,
I will choose u,
Because no point if my eyes could see things,
But inside my heart is blind,

There's no reason to travel around the world looking for happiness,
If my heart is already attach to u,
No point meeting beautiful girl,
If my heart wanting to love u only

To have sad memory,
Is what i'm afraid most,
To lose u,
God please take me away..no point live when she's not around anymore

There's no reasons for me not to love u,
Coz in every way u is everything to me,

My love never end though the time is envying us

~to my HT~

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mr.GooDNiGhT & MorNiNG

I dont know how should I...confess..its very hard for each of us I guess..
However, the longer I hold it..the worse it be..
Neither of us want it to end as being enemy...
Its hard for me and for you...
But lets put an end here...I dont know when i'm going to meet you..again
Maybe we wont see each other after this...

I know its been countless of times you been saying i'm sorry..
And for me I never stop chasing you..
I never know where to stop..
Its just not me..you know me well..

I'll be very frank here..
I'll follow your rule..even it cost pain..
Because what you believe for someone to love..
Is what i'm practicing now..
Each day I'll do as you said..
Never think of giving up...i'm not born to be a loser...

Its like i'm the one really begging for it..
Where you never bother to tolerate..
I'm willing to know you more..
Why dont we give each other chance??..
can you??

I know deep inside your heart..there's me
And you in my heart there's always you...
Do not care about what people gonna say..
Cause they never know how we feel..toward each other

Be with me..we face it together!!!..
Even it's gonna be hard for each of us..
But dont be afraid..
As long as we together...
It will be fine for us..

For the thousand times i'm gonna ask you..
Would you be my girl?

Mr.Goodnight & Morning

Thursday, March 31, 2011

MoRniNG-NigHT-AlwAyS fOr YoU

I'm not the kind of guy who is romantic, sweet with word and always know what woman one. I'll be straight forward if I see you beautiful, I will give compliment  and same goes when I see thing not right. I always want to wish you morning and night. Because I believe this is the only way for me to make sure that I'm waiting for you.

It not just about wishes I've been sending to you but it also about how I remembering you for each second that passed. I'm totally in LOVE to you, things that happen before made me realize that I has fallen in love with you. Since, the time I did not contact you, hate to reply your massage I realize that actually I miss you...

When I ask you do you have a any feeling toward me you say no...then I ask why?...you seem cannot answer?...you and I know how we feel toward each other. If it's about family I willing to be by your side to go through what comes next. I ask you would you give me chance?...what you could say is just "I'm sorry". It not that we do anything wrong!..

I ask you why dont we give each other chance to know better..to be truth about our feeling
you said:
i very lazy,
dunno many things,
dunno how to cook,
take ur patung but no return for u!
every bad thing oso i have!

frankly speaking no one is perfect!!!..that why we need each other to complement our strength and weakness..

I hope by the time you read this you know how much I LOVE U, HT


Saturday, February 26, 2011

My WoRd, My VoW

Since the first time we met,
You always be the first in my heart,
When I'm feeling down,
You will be there to pull me up,
You know how to cheer me up,
You know what I like and not,
And you know that I always...love you....

My dream is always want to be beside you,
No matter where I'll be there,
Even it takes thousand years to reach you,
I dare to do so....
If not I'm going to regret for my entire life...

The entire thing I said...
I really meant it!!!..
It's a promise from me to you...
I'll be always love you...


Sunday, February 6, 2011

ThE PatH tHat hUrt mOsT

Only word might not enough,
But that the only option I have,
Saying how much I LOVE U,
Till.....countless of times,
Till last breath,
To LOVE U is my eternal wish...

I met lots of girl,

Pretty, Hot, Sexy, Lovely,
But U are just so special...

I live with no heart,

Walk with no pain,
Cry with no reason,
Expression with no gesture,
Except....with the LOVE for U


Monday, January 31, 2011

I MiSs HeR-In EveRy WayS

It was a crazy sunny day,
When you took my heart away,
Without me notice,
You seem has gone far away...

I tried to let it go,
But it's hard to do so,
I tried to move on,
But it seems I miss you with no end...

No matter how many years,
No matter how much suffering,
I will always remembering you,
I will never stop loving you...

Till the very end,
My heart won’t change,
How I feel toward you,
Still the same since,
The first day I met you...

I miss you


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The LoSt HearT

Being in this world,

When there's no feeling left,
Can’t even feel the wind blowing,
Neither the sun is burning....

Walking on the empty street,
With nowhere to go,
Stuck between life and death,
Is the most tragic journey for...
A man to have....

Can’t tell which one the best,
Desperately seeking love,
Where you can’t even tell,
Who you love most!!!

This is the path where your heart already lost it way....


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

TemPtaTioN-oF-LoVe DriVe Me

There’s nothing could lure me down,

Other than the way you smile,
While the sun shining above you,
It sure does reflect the beauty you carry…

Time does affect the age,
It change the way you look,
It affects the beauty of yours,
But the temptation I have toward you,
There’s no ending for it to stop….

For the past few years,
It been such a long and lonely days of mine,
It’s hard to pass without you around,
Every day is incomplete,
It’s cruel to live alone…
However deep inside still have faith…that you will come

My love will carry on,
Seeking you even it has to go further down the sea,
Because the temptation I have,
Never no when to stop!!!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

ObViouSly We Can't JuDge-OtherS

It's just cross my mind where I see people would simply judge others especially by their appearances and what they did. Moreover, nowadays many have done that with intention or unintentional motive where me myself believe we don't have that kind of right?...correct me if I’m wrong

We just a merely normal human there's no such thing you or me superior than other?...but people nowadays tend to judge other solely based on their judgment...who the hell giving them the right?...hahaha kind of funny to think it back...

I'm writing this is not to putting someone down or embarrassed others it's just I'm expressing my thought. I hope no hard feeling from anyone. and feel free to commend your thought :)

"what is common to you might not to other"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I StiLL DuN hAVe aNy pLaN-HaPpy TaIpuSan

Almost 8am but I still haven come up with anything yet. Either want to go watch movie or just having lunch with someone...or even got the better one by just staying collage and working on my final year project (fyp). But for sure I wont ready for fyp..hahaha :)

If going to watch movie the new release movie just home coming and pocong jumat klowon..huhh one of this attract me to go for movie today. I guess having lunch with someone it's not a bad deal after all. I will call somebody later and ask her for lunch with me :)

Anyway I guess have to stop here there are few cases I want to read before my next coming meeting with team member : Graham, Wong K.L, Chuan T.P

Last but not least for those who celebrate Taipusan may God bless with happiness, wealth and health..Ooh for does that not celebrate just wish you happy holiday :)

Have a nice day!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"The Beatles"-RoCk

It was started and formed in Liverpool in the year 1960. The group consisted of John Lennon the rhythm guitar and vocals, Paul McCartney the bass guitar and vocals, George Harrison the lead guitar and vocals and lastly Ringo Starr the drums and vocals. I love this band not just because they can sing well but the song itself suit my soul. It's rock but not over and in the same time it's about love but not too over.

It feels comfort and it swing me with the melody. Take a look on of the famous song from "The Beatles"

Saturday, January 15, 2011

OnE oF Song tHaT tOuch mY hEaRT

Indeed I fall in love....everyone will fall in love someday..but just make sure you did not fall too deep...coz you might can’t get up again...

Romy Private Party (RPP)

Huh.. after having dinner at Dayana stall (best place for roti canai specialist) I and few of my friend decide to have small private party at Cheng Huai house. Because we are Malaysian (Malay cannot eat pork and Chinese and India cannot eat meat we decide to have mutton). Damn I really crazy about mutton and whenever I went to western restaurant I will order lamb.

First we start preparing to marinate the mutton it took about 30 minute but it worth. We include black paper source, oyster source, ginger and white onion. Tremendously good smell and I can’t image how it tastes. But I’m pretty sure it will blow us.

hahahaha...kind of busy now...got to go party started...

Have a nice day guys!

My FriEnd pLaYinG gUiTaR-SuCk :)

I got one friend who's suddenly like to play music instrument. He buy guitar for RM 300 what in the world he think...suddenly want play music never heard and see he like to play instrument...hahaha sound funny right people just get twister just for a few second.

Actually I ask him before that I found there are one class for playing music instrument but need to check with the current schedule and the availability of the class. I said that will get back to him as soon as I got the answer. Ok then I tries to register but sadly we can’t take that course and it only meant for music student. Next day I met him and let him know what happen. I thought it settle already however the next week I found out his buy guitar already...

Here I would like to congratulate him for the determination and desire to play instrument. Its sound simple but I’ve always believe not everyone can do!...wish him all the best and good luck

p/s: play for his beloved Ah Bee :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

MY FiNaL SeM...HerE wE GO!!!

Huh!!!...though it's been almost 4 years I just feel it were just like yesterday. Today will be my first class in this last semester. I dun know how to say this it made me creepy when think about it. All this time I’m having fun all day but when to think back this was last semester and anything could happen...Ooh it's just scary.

I'm still single and this also cause me trauma. I know gurl exceed number of man nowadays but I'm getting older duhh...not that I can buy my youth again...at least should have close girl friend( potential to be GF)..but in reality I dun have any...I should have one target before graduate..this my promise..hehehe…all the gurl better watch out!

I'm in dilemmas now. Because I have 3 class that I wish to register. Music class, counseling class and Islamic law class. I dun know which one I really wanted. All the choices indeed attract me...hehehe :)…I could not register all I know where I should stop…and dun ever do over than what you capable of..my principle :)

However I just wanne wish that my last semester will be AWESOME!!!


~FiNaL YeAr sTuDent~