Saturday, October 22, 2011

The DaY I'm reGreT MoSt-CoNvo

Convocation to most of people usually will be one of their happiest day in their life. Yes it would but to me I'm regret on that day. Attending convocation to me just to fulfill my promise to mom in fact I have zero attention going there as I know, I will meet her there and it's true I met NHT there. I dun even looking at her nor talk to her. I'm just too arrogant and ego with my self.

Right after the convocation ceremony I wont take long to straight away went back home. Mom did ask me whether want to take photo with friends...I don't want to because seeing her it just make thing worst. I thought it will be okay this way. However after reach home I felt that, I really wanted to meet her for the last time, taking picture together but it all past now. This is where for the first time in my life I'm feeling regret, regret over something that cant be fixed.

This is the part I'm throwing all my ego, promises and self esteem to call her and ask her out this Saturday (22/10/11) to take picture with me and our entire classmate. She's got something on Saturday and Sunday she having her ACCA test. I did argue and begging her, she said "I give you chance but you not there". The sweet talk wont be useful anymore at this rate till to the extend she turn off her phone. Last message she send:

"Now I know how you treat something important to me, I'm not free on Saturday. sorry."

I'm really sorry I did not mean to forcing you but you too never considering anything from me. I'm not asking for the whole day just 1 hour of your Saturday.

We wont meet again after this....I'll be missing you like hell...NHT, I'll keep the promise and waiting for you.

My love only meant for you, take care and live up our dream!

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