Thursday, December 16, 2010

MarS aNd VeNus FaLL In LoVe-Episode 2

Ok from my previous post I been talking about how man should deal with woman and now is the last part is how woman deal with man. I belief there's many kind of method in dealing with people but for me the best way is to understand each other first. Understanding is the most common is before starting anything. For example in preparing marketing plan we must understand what is the customer need same goes to relationship. Understand each other will help in preventing conflict. Ok now we start with the characteristic of man.
I would say most of men when dealing with problem they tend to solve all by them self if possible. And woman is the type that emotion and will do whatever it takes to help her partner or spouse. This may create conflict when woman want to help where the man have ego and tend to feel that his ego being disturb. Most of men they like to stay alone to solve the problem where we call it "stay in his cave". Man needs time and space for him to think and he needs it alone. Woman must take note this...alone means no one except him.

Woman did not have worry when man in his cave does not mean that he don’t want you, he just need time for himself that all. If he can’t handle it alone you will be notice.

The conclusion, woman needs man to listen to his problem, feeling and thought. And as for man he need woman to give him time and space for him to be with himself.

Note: This is my understanding from reading this book I would not say it's absolute or 100% applicable it's sometimes depend on person itself as we know human being is not all the same.... J

~Thank you~
May you learn something J

~understand each other may ur love lasting forever~

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