Monday, December 13, 2010

MarS aNd VeNuS FaLL In LoVe-Episode 1

I've read a book title Mars and Venus fall in love. I brought the book for RM2 from recycle store but it’s not about how much it cost but how this book affect me and most important how do deal with woman J. Just want to clarify this book not just for those who are coupling but it suit to individual itself. Like me I'm single but it does help in certain ways especially dealing with woman.

The core value or I would say the main point how to deal with your spouse (either man or woman) in this book is refer to core characteristic of man and woman. We start with man first how to deal with woman. Usually man can be describing as problem solve. As we know problem solve is someone who is leading type of person in the same time the kind of person that rush to solve the problem no matter what cost it takes. Yup it's good but this is also weakness toward woman. Because woman more too emotional and when they facing difficulties or problem especially problem with her partner. They start with reviewing the problem this takes time and when it involves man they are rushing type to solve problem.

When came to woman and try to solve the problem this actually will create conflict. And what most important actually is woman they only want man to be their side and listen to their thought and problem. Not every time they ask us to be problem solve or hero but sometime just to listen to their feeling and thought. However, most of man did not realize about this. Our intentions to help them by solving problem but it lead to more conflict. So man there is time where woman need us only just to listen to them.....this will help to strengthen the relationship and understanding.....

To be continue….

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