Friday, July 29, 2011

WhiLe GreEcE iN deFault

There's a time when even a country cant stand still anymore...what Greece been trough now is not one country falling down but the starting point of domino effect for the European. However as for me going concern of Greece is not my priority concern. My concern all I put into you and all about you, winning your heart is the highest achievement for me. As for Greece lack of fund can be solve by renew borrowing term or made another new borrowing or new economic policy. However, my case I dont need money to win you, I need you to trust in me and have faith which I could not borrow from anyone else.

Greece facing the possibility of bankruptcy which seen as very serious matters because it obviouly will shut down the whole country. For me and you when you rejected me its not only that my ego or self-esteem is affected but it totally blank my future....because my life is all about you

I'm not a superhuman nor a genius who can turn Greece to back in track, its not an overnight work that people can do. Same goes to my love to you, NHT I could not change your heart straight away...but I believe persistence and consistence will surely paid off someday..and on that day you and me will be together.

"To Greece: Failure is not a fullstops but its a new story for a new sentences"


Saturday, July 2, 2011

04/05/2011-My LaSt dAy

Dear Heart,

I know, I lost the deal...I could not win your heart before that day. I tried everything, I do what ordinary could not do, and I dare to move forward though I know the end road might not as what I had in my dream and everything because of you. I know you never ask for all this but give me chance to show how important you for me. I'm very stubborn to accept this because I will never forget about you and I'm afraid I will not fall in love again...

I kept the promise but every single second that passed it hurt me a lot...even me dont know how long I can coop with this. I'm like others normal human being I do have feeling, I do get hurt and I do love you. I just cant stop loving you. It's very difficult for you to accept me I understand how you feel if you has to choose either me or your family. But please teach me how can I forget about you, how can I stop loving you..please

You always ware saying this principle of yours "once my friend, forever my friend". You know what I really hate this because I could never accept this. For me I prefer not to be your friend or not even meeting you if the end ware to be this way...its really hurting me. I will be always love you...I keep the promise we had and I hope you kept yours. Till the time we meet again I hope your heart will change and let me be your man.
