Thursday, December 16, 2010

MarS aNd VeNus FaLL In LoVe-Episode 2

Ok from my previous post I been talking about how man should deal with woman and now is the last part is how woman deal with man. I belief there's many kind of method in dealing with people but for me the best way is to understand each other first. Understanding is the most common is before starting anything. For example in preparing marketing plan we must understand what is the customer need same goes to relationship. Understand each other will help in preventing conflict. Ok now we start with the characteristic of man.
I would say most of men when dealing with problem they tend to solve all by them self if possible. And woman is the type that emotion and will do whatever it takes to help her partner or spouse. This may create conflict when woman want to help where the man have ego and tend to feel that his ego being disturb. Most of men they like to stay alone to solve the problem where we call it "stay in his cave". Man needs time and space for him to think and he needs it alone. Woman must take note this...alone means no one except him.

Woman did not have worry when man in his cave does not mean that he don’t want you, he just need time for himself that all. If he can’t handle it alone you will be notice.

The conclusion, woman needs man to listen to his problem, feeling and thought. And as for man he need woman to give him time and space for him to be with himself.

Note: This is my understanding from reading this book I would not say it's absolute or 100% applicable it's sometimes depend on person itself as we know human being is not all the same.... J

~Thank you~
May you learn something J

~understand each other may ur love lasting forever~

Monday, December 13, 2010

MarS aNd VeNuS FaLL In LoVe-Episode 1

I've read a book title Mars and Venus fall in love. I brought the book for RM2 from recycle store but it’s not about how much it cost but how this book affect me and most important how do deal with woman J. Just want to clarify this book not just for those who are coupling but it suit to individual itself. Like me I'm single but it does help in certain ways especially dealing with woman.

The core value or I would say the main point how to deal with your spouse (either man or woman) in this book is refer to core characteristic of man and woman. We start with man first how to deal with woman. Usually man can be describing as problem solve. As we know problem solve is someone who is leading type of person in the same time the kind of person that rush to solve the problem no matter what cost it takes. Yup it's good but this is also weakness toward woman. Because woman more too emotional and when they facing difficulties or problem especially problem with her partner. They start with reviewing the problem this takes time and when it involves man they are rushing type to solve problem.

When came to woman and try to solve the problem this actually will create conflict. And what most important actually is woman they only want man to be their side and listen to their thought and problem. Not every time they ask us to be problem solve or hero but sometime just to listen to their feeling and thought. However, most of man did not realize about this. Our intentions to help them by solving problem but it lead to more conflict. So man there is time where woman need us only just to listen to them.....this will help to strengthen the relationship and understanding.....

To be continue….

Sunday, December 12, 2010

DuN giVe Up hOpe eVen OnCe

It just came into my mind about this. As we know human need can go far beyond anyone can think off. It’s unlimited but the question is the resources is very limited...when we want something we will put everything we have to get it. However, to certain extent when we fail the desire decrease and same goes to effort its simultaneous relation. Ok but today I won’t talk about the relation or resources. It’s about hope what we desired most.

Everyone has this intention to posses something luxury for example. Like me be with someone I love most is what I wanted. It's been almost 5 years since I met her but thing won’t work as I plan. It’s very pain if you love someone where you have put all the effort cross the limit but it just won’t work. Moreover, you have tried for so many times and it still does not align with your intention. It just feels like dying over and over again.

Albert Einstein once said "you can’t expect different result by doing the same action repeatedly". Indeed it's true I won’t denied it but how about doing in different ways but end up fail?'s sad but life must go on and no turning back...she even hate me more than anyone else it's not that I'm doing something wrong..I just love her and could not forget about her...

She said I'm abnormal just because of loving her...I can promise to love her more than anyone can do but her heart very strong not to letting me in...I won’t force her because it’s just not the way it should be. It's not about I get her or not but the learning path that I've been experience. Never gave up on hope will make you stronger to stand and strive to achieve your goal...

~hope is one of the reasons for you to live~

~I will always waiting for u~

Friday, December 10, 2010

LivE wiTh No ReGrEt!!!

Everyone want to live as happy as they could and I believe to live happily is not about big house, elegance cars, beautiful wife and even high pay check!!! me to live happily is very simple just live with no regret. Where there's nothing pulling our back that will slow us down in achieving what we aim in life...

To live with no regret is very simple just do what you want and try what you want to try. When you want to do something there's always little voice inside your head will pull you. This is one of the human nature when you are making decisions that involve risk. The idea is to overcome this little voice by just do what you feel right and don’t hesitate to face failure.

Just bared in mind in whatever we facing in life just do it right and follow what you wanted most. It might be not easy but I'm sure it will pay well..

~live with your own free will~
Do WhAt U WaNteD MoSt

Thursday, December 9, 2010

FirSt LoVe AlwaYs StaY foReVer

I'm not the kind of guy that would easily fall in love but I will consider myself friendly enough but sometime people might looked it at the wrong way. But never mind on that one because I will not bother about it. Okay back to the topic my first love how it happens. But first I would like to ask everyone has the experiences of first love?. Obviously got right to those that dun have the experience I would say they just not lucky as us..:)...Do not bother if you don’t have first love yet cause it usually last long.

My first love is during my matriculation (KMM). Enroll in this collage is one of the most memorable experiences I have and this is where my first love begin. Just right after finish orientation week the first class started which I was very lazy to go but since it is the first class I should give some face and respect. Class start at 8am to show how committed I’m sharp at 7.45am I enter the class room. I still remember it was in tutorial room second floor and room number 6 (BT2.6). I came from back door sit at the back suddenly I feel something...which I can’t describe using's very strange my heart bit run like Ferrari which then I saw there was one girl sit at the front.

~It's JuSt FirSt TimE~

I have not seen her face yet but I know she’s the one that will make fall deep....and I’m right in fact I fell deeper in the ocean of love her with all of my heart. She wearing choco color shirt, white pants, with untie long black hair, choco color hand bag and with water bottle blue color. Looked at her from behind is just not enough. The class actually was cancel after…45minute waiting but at least I use the time just to look at her closely. After class dismiss I saw her face.....guess what is she pretty?, hot?, sexy? and what so ever. Because I met lots kind of girl before this where I can say some of them are prettier, hottest, even more sexy but she just too SPECIAL...

And till now first love will always stay because it's the starting point where you know about falling in love and how to love...

~have a nice day~